Monday, December 28, 2009

Freedoooooom, freedooooom, FREEDOOOOOOM!

Note: The subject of this post must be sung.

Well, while watching "Step Up" for the second time (in a row) in my empty apartment, I figure I could write a little diddly on here. The thought that came to me as I began was obviously about my freedom for the past two weeks, being with family and most importantly, not school. ...No offense to my family...that came out calloused.

To celebrate my freedom last week, I laid around with my family and it was fantastic. Not much sleeping in, but since every day was so leisurely, that was flexible. This week, I have to holla fo' a dolla and came back to go to work Monday through Wednesday. But, after 5 pm every day, I'm essentially still free. I've chosen to indulge in movie watching, TV watching, and guitar playing, but this freedom is a little lackluster compared to last weeks. It's becoming apparent that freedom is not as poignant unless there are at least two (hopefully more) appreciating it in the same vicinity. Unfortunately, it appears that I am the only person in Provo, at least my apartment complex (that is literally true).

Now how to prove that this post wasn't really written in depression, just boredom...Ah ha!

I can't be the only one who laughs out loud at this picture.


Shannon B said...

I wish I was there to play with you cuzz we have lots of "freedom" here too. What is that CRAZY thing in the pic? Is that a FLYING squirrel?

Laurie said...

Lol, it's a sugar glider! I wish I could hang out with you guys too.

Sarah Middleton said...

So this post was kind of depressing lol. Obviously you are missing me like crazy. No worries, I'll be back soon. Oh and in case you were wondering, yes I did post this comment on my iPod touch.